To be a Builder, read this page and complete the Builder Agreement form. Deadline for participation is Oct 22
The form can be download from here:
Fee Payment can be made at
Contact us at:

Open-Source MicroController
Workshop, 12 Nov. 2011


Builder(s) Fees and Benefits

Demo-only booth - $20 This is for Builder(s) who only want to demo their skills and show others how to make items at their booth.

Demo and Sale booth - $35 This is for Builder(s) who want to demo their skills AND sell kits or finished products. We will not collect a percentage of your sales.

As appreciation for your efforts, each Builder(s) booth will receive two (2) complimentary tickets at Builder(s) Check-In.

Builder(s) Responsibilities and Policies
We will provide a table and two chairs, if standard setup is requested. Please plan to bring anything else that you would like to have, such as extension cords/power strips and any hardware or supplies that will help you display your project. We assume that you will supply any equipment or supplies you need to make your project functional.

Please feel free to make signs for your exhibit that help the attendees understand what you are making!

We appreciate Builder(s) bringing any other equipment needed to support their exhibit.
Please review the following regulations and policies:

• Promotions: We will provide a link on our website for each Builder(s).

• Internet Connectivity: The entire IIT-RICE has WIFI, if your project could interfere with our wireless service, please let us know so we can accommodate you and your Workshop neighbors.

• Electricity: If you provide details of your power requirements, we will make certain you have this power available at your booth area. Please bring your own surge protectors and/or power strips for power distribution at your booth. On-site power requests cannot be guaranteed. Any excessive power
will require approval.

• Tables and Chairs: We will provide a table and two chairs if you selected a standard setup.

• Radio Frequency: Due to the nature of the event, please advise if you plan to use radio frequencies and if so, at what frequency and/or frequencies and the amount of power you are using so we can coordinate placement and usage.

• Fire and Safety or Hazard issues: If your project can be considered hazardous or a concern for the Builder(s) Workshop Committee (especially fire safety), please be sure to notify us as soon as possible so that we can include these details in the Safety Plan. As part of the setup process, we will need you to
declare all hazardous materials that you have with you, as this will help in determining the best storage and overall safety concerns of such material.

• Damage Liability: No drilling of holes, attaching to, or painting of the floor, or any other defacement to floors or walls. When such damage occurs, the Builder(s) is solely responsible and is liable to the owner of the property so damaged.

• Signage: Signage and/or decorations may not be taped, nailed, tacked, stapled, or otherwise fastened to any wall, ceiling, column, stone, window, drape, or painted surface in any area inside the building or on the premise without advance permission.

• Noise and Safety Restrictions: Management reserves the right to restrict exhibits, displays, demonstrations, presentations, or workshops that become objectionable because of noise, method of operations, materials, safety, or any other reason.

• Food/Beverages: No food or beverage may be offered or displayed as part of exhibit, demonstration, presentation, or workshop.

• Exits: No exits, fire-fighting equipment, or emergency equipment may be blocked or obstructed under any circumstances.

• Space Consideration: Sufficient space must be provided within the booth for the comfort and safety of persons watching exhibits, demonstrations, displays, or workshops.

• Laws: Every participant, employee, agent, or contractor connected with the use of the premises shall abide by, conform to, and comply with all the laws of the United States, the State of Illinois, as well as the ordinances of the City of Wheaton and all rules and regulations of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Wheaton and the County of Dupage. Make no violation or breach of peace. Do not endanger or harm any person, property, or the environment, including all IIT-RICE property, including the parking lot, entrance ways, ticket booth areas, and other areas used by the Builder(s) Workshop or its employees, contractors, agents, members, or guests.

Theft Prevention
The potential of theft and disappearance can be greatly reduced if a few simple precautions are taken:
• Do not leave purses, laptops, cellphones, or any easily portable items unattended at any time in your booth area.
• Report any suspicious person or theft in the building immediately to the Builder(s) Workshop Committee, and we will notify Security Officers and file an incident report, if applicable.
• Lock valuables in the trunk of your car, where they are not visible.
• If you are demonstrating a valuable piece of equipment, please do not leave it unattended at your booth.

 Builder(s) may drive up to the IIT-RICE dock on the north side of the building starting at 7:30am on Saturday morning. Quickly unload, go park your vehicle in nearby parking lots, and then return to set up your exhibit. This allows space for your neighboring Builder(s) to drive in and unload. All vehicles must
be off the dock and out of the Post Office lot by 9:30 a.m. to open the Workshop. Please do not block any entrance or park in fire lanes. Please also remember to lock your vehicle and make certain to have your cellphone number listed on your Builder(s) Agreement so we can contact you, if we need you to relocate.

• Teardown begins after 2 p.m. on Saturday. All exhibits must be intact and open to the public until that time. Exhibits must be removed by 4 p.m. on Saturday.
• Vehicles will not be allowed to line up at the dock until after 2 p.m. on Saturday.
• Recycling, paper, bottles and glass, non-toxic waste, and general trash receptacles will be available.
We appreciate your exhibit area being cleared completely.